Monday, February 4, 2013

Collegical Things

A brief memoir, in pictures, of my first semester in college.

It is a regular occurance to find plastic elephants in the courtyard
I learned how to mix colors and maneuver pallette knives!

The recipes for different paper dyes in the Papermaking studio.

The view from my room at night is lovely. (Usually loud. But at least it's pretty)

Color pallettes = essential for the n00b painter

Wish I could say this was mine. Just a class diagram

Class drawing boards= old as time itself and filthy 

I've got no idea what this is but it's sort of cute.

Stained glass window panels!

These pictures are from a peice made out of sand by a monk. After it was completed, it was tipped into the river and destroyed.

Drawing studio in the morning light.

The view from the 12th floor library in the fall!

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